
Primary School
Cycle 2 -4
In our R&D greenhouse, pupils will explore how plants and their fruits look like and what they are called. Depending on their age, they will be introduced to the basics ht eplant lifecycle and how plants are structured. And of course: they are invited to feed the fish and learn about the basics of animal wellfare
Duration: 1 - 2 hours
Possible spoken language: Luxembourgish, German, English, French, Spanish
Langugage of material: German, Others on request

Secondary School
7ème - 1ère
The students will learn the entire aquaponic and nitrogen cylce. Here they will explore the pathway from fish food to harvested plant. Along this path, the students will deepen their understanding of a topic of your choice such as:
Plant structure and life cylce,
Water and nitrogen cycle,
Smart technologies,
Duration: 1.5 to 3 hours
Spoken language: Luxembourgish, German ,English, French, Spanish
Langugage of material: German, Others on request

Age: 16 - 80 (no seating options)
Whether you're interested in team building, gardening, or both, we've got you covered. We will give you a tour of our facility and provide a gardening workshop. Get ready to get your hands dirty, or leave home with handful of products and a new persepctive on the farming of the future.
Duration: 2 hours
Spoken language: Luxembourgish, German ,English, French, Spanish